The Texas Railroad Commission once had total jurisdiction over oil and gas field operations. Today, oil and gas operators now are also overseen by the TCEQ (air permits/emissions) and the EPA (protection of inland waters/SPCC) and, if fluids or gases go beyond your lease, a host of other agencies.
Emissions Are A Good Thing (when properly permitted and handled/controlled)
Emissions aren’t necessarily a bad thing. What is most important is what you emit, where you emit, and that you properly permit and report those emissions. Accurate analysis, proper treatment, and regulatory compliance are crucial in the current environment.
Emissions to the atmosphere are a byproduct of bringing fluids to the surface and cannot be eliminates short of plugging you wells. If you have emissions, normally that means you’re producing something with BTU, and therefore marketable.
Operators are in business to produce. Emissions do not have to curtail production or dramatically impact your bottom line. The new challenge is to produce responsibly yet profitably. Allied will help you do that.
Allied’s direct experience with and understanding of both the oil and gas industry (since 1918), and the regulatory agencies (since 2007) bore the idea for its Agency Compliance Audit Program (ACAP). Whereas many environmental consultants begin on the agency side, Allied began with an understanding of oil and gas and developed an industry-savvy approach to regulatory compliance.
The ACAP evaluates either nonexistent or previous compliance efforts for appropriateness and completeness, and thus alerts operators (1) on their state of agency compliance and (2) on contingent liabilities related to non-compliance and corrective measures.
Where clients request, Allied also recommends putting in place a regulatory-wise, logically structured, and cost-effective compliance plan, which is key to gaining compliance while interfering as little as possible with production matters and production personnel.
The five standard ACAP levels can be modified to suit special conditions or concerns of the operator. Fees for all levels are by quotation.
Contact us today for a FREE quote, and stay focused on production!
Although most often geared toward property acquisitions, Allied also offers complete Phase I & II site assessments (ESAs).